Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thank's A lot

 this won't last forever.

Greeting's hello there =) it's Wednesday's been a while i guess? so school was uh mm okay,surprisingly i was happy goin to school why?well if it's holiday season parents won't let me out  and hang around plus spm is soon its coming closer*no*! they take it very strictly so i rather choose going to school than suffer staying at home with all the lecture's! ha ha.that's what happen during my hol's lame eh.
Well life,I've been though up and mostly down and of course regret that's just the past there's no turning back right? I remember Gunny message,all it contains are long advice's & encouragement to make me feel better and realize that there's a long way to go in life,thanks for everything Gunny because of you well i change a little bit? how i miss it those days and lastly I'm just sorry for what ever happened the past and only God knows everything. Gunny will always be remembered my friend=) and here i am with Rocky shoulder to cry on. And here comes Stitch to replace everything and including you. Hey there,thanks for the memories. let's move on now and forget about the painless past.

*random take's*

Saturday, September 11, 2010

sometimes cleaning up is fun!

It's Saturday! damn it waking up this morning all i could think is fcuk it's Sunday and then  i realize that it's actually Saturday feels like Sunday eh?. Alone home now,grandma & Edrina went back to Kg today parents and the others is somewhere i don't know where ha ha so just left me here stuck What i did is cleaning up my messy dressing table,its so dusty so i decide to clean and rearrange all the accessories to where it belongs.

After an hour cleaning all these mess!finally its done and i arrange all of it according to its place=) *TA DA*

Friday, September 3, 2010

my oh my hoilday!

Woohoo. yes finally its freaking Friday! hoilday mode is ON now, but still i cannot fully abandon my studies since SPM is soon like so soon dayum im scared man. okay let's not talk about that for now, it's holidaaaay remember? hehe so people tell me what's your plan's? but too bad we only have 1 week for honeymoon mode haha but that's okay after spm that's what I'm waiting spm to be over haha and i can have fun anytime i waaaant=D ! so school finish at 3:40 today at least extra class end a bit early lahg kan than 4:30!? that is like so so late man or else i plan to escape haha no bah. okay moving on,so life? what can i say? it's like a waste of my time sometimes telling some of my prob's as u know that most of the time i like to keep it to myself =X it's a habit already, i just prefer to be that way for now i guess? hehe. duh i know lame eh? but who the hell cares?. bought inception dvd just now i wanna watch it tonite and im still waiting for them to drag me out to watch step up 3! i waaan waan watch it! i saw hottie in that movie muahaha,LOL. i guess im n=just too over excited that holiday is here :) i need reload! now please?.planning to get another spec for myself hope daddy agree with that,lets hope he say yes.ugh puppy Honda is not train well yet,he is being so naughty in the house! im gonna scold him haha! Before i end this i just wanna say "SORRY".