High School bestie :) |
Darling Dora |
Hey you! The last time i blog was on Tuesday. Sorry for the less updates from me,not in the mood to blog until now then i feel like blogging. Okay, i know my grammar are very to sucky so hope you can understand. Hehe. Well, as you all know that SPM's results has reveal and I'm quite satisfy with my result! at least i pass all the subjects what a relieve because i know in academics I'm not really good but thank goodness i pass that's it =) What's next? Being to comfortable staying at home with no worries,jobless,and lifeless i might as well change my mind staying here or not continue study.Still thinking,there's more time for me to think right?no rush.
I'm confuse =( so here am i, doing the same routine every each day and tumblr is the only thing i do. "reblog"
everything seems different lately, why oh why i hate this feelings please go away. I'm missing my schoolmates! and my close friends tidak puas hati jumpa sekejap that day =[ so many stories to catch up with them and all of them change i mean by the looks of course! everyone is getting older people do change & so am i.
I have no words to share anymore,I'm tired for doing nothing and i can't sleep boredness strikes.
Good nights my fellows.
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